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What Earth Day Means To GOPure
By: GOPure
At GOpure, we believe that Earth Day is a moment to look outside of ourselves and celebrate this amazing planet that gifts us so much each and every day. We take this holiday to renew our commitment to sustainability and environmentalism, and we activate that support with a day of volunteering as we give thanks to our Earth.
But with current environmental conditions the way they are, it can unfortunately to some seem like a fool’s errand to even attempt to counteract all the damage we have done to our one and only home. With the carbon dioxide concentration in our atmosphere reaching its highest point in 3 million years, with 11% of all global greenhouse gas emissions stemming from a vast deforestation movement and with over 8 million tons of plastic being dumped into our oceans per year; our individual acts of sustainability seem futile.
But we at GOpure don’t believe that healing our planet is a futile venture. And we do not believe that our planet’s pain will be solved by one sweeping solution. Rather, we see our planet’s hope resting with a collective of individuals, with each part taking action in their own way, no matter how big or small. We believe that it’s the consistent things that we do daily that will heal our world. We believe whole-heartedly that change can happen and that most importantly, it needs to start now.
So this Earth Day, we don’t want you to think so big. We want you to think small! We want you to think about the ordinary things that when done daily can actually make a more significant impact than you could have ever imagined.
5 Small But Mighty Impacts You Can Make This Earth Day
1. Walk or Cycle Instead of Driving to Work
While it may seem more convenient, when we use our CO2 emitting vehicles for short distances, we are doing considerable harm for our planet. And the truth is, the payoff for our own routines and commute times is proportionally quite small.
Earth Day is a signal that spring is finally here, so why not use the opportunity to get outside and get your heart pumping. Consider walking or cycling to school or work. Not only will you be contributing to the saving of our planet, but also you will save yourself time batching your exercise with your commute, and you will save yourself a fair bit on gas money.
2. Go Paperless
Earth Day is a great day to invest in a decision that throughout your lifetime will make an incredible impact on the environment; going paperless. Switch over your banking statements, cable and utility bills and other notifications to the paperless option. With a few simple clicks of a button, you can be making an unbelievable contribution to the environment while also simplifying your routines and decluttering your life.
3. Make a Commitment to Going Meat or Dairy Free Once a Week
If you aren’t a vegan or a vegetarian, that’s absolutely ok! You don’t have to make the switch in one traumatic jump. This Earth Day, consider committing to going meat or dairy free just once a week. That’s 52 days of dairy and meat-free eating per year! Again, when we make the small commitment of “once a week,” it may seem minimal at first. But when you total up the long-term effects, you will see that these small changes can make all the difference in the health of our planet.
Plus going meat and dairy free one day a week is showing to have positive impacts on weight loss, mood and even sleep!
4. Plan Ways to Reduce Your Energy and Water Usage
By dedicating yourself one day to create an energy reduction plan, you will be setting a ball in motion that will result in massive environmental change. Generating electricity is one of the most significant contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. By reducing our need for more and more electricity, it will help to give our planet a reprieve and allow it to heal.
Plus, who has ever complained about a lower electricity bill?
5. Support Your Favorite Sustainable Company.
Companies all over the world are beginning to form their mission statements around principles of sustainability and environmentalism. We recently highlighted some of our favorite sustainable companies on our blog.
Treat yourself to a fun new pair of sustainable flats at Rothys, or purchase some reusable silicone bags from Stasherbag for your whole family.
Where you decide to spend your dollars can make all the difference for the health of our planet. Take this Earth Day to write down a list of some great sustainable companies so you can purchase your supplies from them throughout the year.
Why We Love Earth Day
When we created the portable GOpure Pod Water Purifier, we had a dream of making an enormous impact on our environment, all by creating a filter so small that it could fit in the palm of your hand. And today, that little filter is doing a Goliath-sized job of preventing plastic from polluting our waters and killing our fellow animals.
To us, Earth Day isn’t about changing the world right now. It’s about committing to a lifestyle of sustainability. We must face the truth; we are standing in front of a monstrous environmental crisis. But we must also accept the fact that our planet’s woes will not change in a day. But by dedicating ourselves to a lifetime of living and practicing the principles of sustainability and environmentalism, we can, in fact, heal our world.
This Earth Day, please join us in renewing your dedication to our planet. Because the truth is our planet needs each and every one of us to make daily, consistent decisions with Mother Earth in mind.
We can’t think of a better way to celebrate than officially launching our new plastic-free packaging on all online orders.
Now Bundling Products!
- Twin: (1x single + 1x Pet plus free shipping)
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